The Calendar

Many people have wrestled with the problem of Calendar Reform, but apart from Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory, none have managed to make any alterations to what we have inherited.

What is offered here is a version of the "World Calendar" that might appeal to some.

The World Calendar offers four quarters each of 91 days, which gives 364 days. This is one day short of the basic 365 day year, so a New Year's Day is added, (and in Leap Years a Leap Year Day).

Since 364 divides exactly by 7 we should not give the "New Year's Day" (or the "Leap Year Day") a normal weekday name. A quarter year will have two months with 30 days (February included) and one (the last in the quarter) with 31.

Here is the structure for one quarter:

Month OneMonth TwoMonth Three
1234567 --12345 ----123
891011121314 6789101112 45678910
15161718192021 13141516171819 11121314151617
22232425262728 20212223242526 18192021222324
2930----- 27282930--- 25262728293031
Month OneMonth TwoMonth Three
"New Year's Day" comes before Monday 1st January and does not have a weekday name, while "Leap Year Day" goes between June and July and it also does not have a weekday name. Each year starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday; January 1st will always be a Monday, and December 31st a Sunday. For the superstitious, there are no Fridays numbered 13... I have opted for Monday as being the first day in a week, with Sunday the last.